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New marking of Packaging

New Legal Obligations on Packaging Marking as of January 2025

From January 1, 2025, new legal obligations on the marking of packaging will come into force as a result of Royal Decree 1055/2022. The main objective of this regulation is to improve the recycling and reuse of packaging, standardising the information that consumers need to correctly dispose of waste. This measure will affect all printed packaging, whether bags or reels.

Our sales department will advise customers on how to apply this measure in their designs, thus guaranteeing compliance with the regulations and facilitating the transition.

Objectives of Royal Decree 1055/2022

Royal Decree 1055/2022 falls within the framework of Directive 2018/852 on packaging and packaging waste and Law 7/2002 on Waste and Contaminated Soil for a Circular Economy. Its objectives are:

  • Prevent and reduce the environmental impact of packaging throughout its life cycle.
  • Encourage the reuse and recycling of packaging.
  • Develop a circular economy through the recovery of packaging waste.

Main Changes in the Marking of Packaging

  1. Information on the fraction or container: Packaging should clearly indicate in which container it should be deposited after use (blue, yellow or green). This will help consumers to separate waste correctly1.
  2. Prohibition of misleading terms: The use of terms such as ‘environmentally friendly’ which may mislead about the correct management of the packaging will not be allowed1.
  3. Indications on reuse and recycling: Packaging may indicate whether it is reusable and the percentage of recycled material it contains, provided that this can be justified by appropriate certification1

Use of pictograms on packaging

The blue RECYCLE TO BLUE pictogram is used for paper and cardboard packaging. This symbol helps consumers to easily identify in which container they should place these types of packaging for proper recycling.

It is used for packaging such as paper bags or paper reels where the majority component is paper.

Example packaging RECYCLE TO BLUE

Packaging whose structure contains a majority percentage of paper must be recycled in the blue paper bin.

The RECYCLE TO YELLOW pictogram is used for plastic, metal and briks packaging. This symbol makes it easier for consumers to correctly separate these types of packaging for recycling.

It is used for packaging where the majority of the packaging is plastic.

Example packaging RECYCLE TO YELLOW

Packaging whose structure contains a majority percentage of plastic must be recycled in the yellow container for light packaging.

The brown COMPOST TO BROWN pictogram is used for compostable packaging that becomes organic waste. This includes food waste such as fruit and vegetable peels, coffee grounds, eggshells, and other waste. This waste can be turned into compost, which is a natural fertiliser that is very beneficial to the soil.

It is used in packaging such as compostable window paper bags or compostable films.

Example packaging COMPOST TO BROWN

Those containers whose material used is compostable should be deposited in the brown container for the organic fraction.

Advice on Recycling Icons for Packaging

If you have any doubts about the icon that your packaging must bear to comply with the new recycling regulations, do not hesitate to contact us. Our sales department will be happy to advise you and guide you through the whole process to ensure that your packaging complies with the legislation and promotes proper recycling.